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11 4447-7900 | |
Av. Pedro Celestino Leite Penteado, 55 Jordanésia | Cajamar - SP | |
Metal lid, without sharp edges, with easy and safe opening seal, diameter 67mm. We offer the ROJEK ABRE-EASY lid and its innovative high vacuum closing system, without any mechanical retention system for closing, with an external seal for easy and safe opening.
67mm Abre-Fácil
Lids for food products. Serving several types of filling process (hot filling, pasteurization, autoclave sterilization).
Metal lid, without sharp edges, with easy and safe opening seal, diameter 67mm. We offer the ROJEK ABRE-EASY lid and its innovative high vacuum closing system, without any mechanical retention system for closing, with an external seal for easy and safe opening.
67mm Abre-Fácil
Lids for food products. Serving several types of filling process (hot filling, pasteurization, autoclave sterilization).
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